Das Wetter hier ist echt verrückt. Gestern hatten wir einen Eissturm und Gewitter. Überall ist Eis und in Südwest-Missouri haben ca. 4000 Haushalte keinen Strom. Bei uns ist eine
The weather here is really crazy. Yesterday we had an ice storm and thunderstorms. There is ice everywhere. In Southwest Missouri about 4000 households are without electricity. Our gutter fell off the house. The water in it became ice and too heavy. We have electricity and everything else is o.k. with us. The schools are closed because the school buses can´t drive. We are cosy at home.
1 comment:
Habe mich soeben sehr über den "Rotkäppchen-Eintrag" gefreut, aber ich schreibe hier den Comment, da der Eissturm bei euch mich schon sehr beeindruckt hatte und wir die letzten zwei Tage seit Freitag Nachmittag aber auch ein gefährliches Sturmtief hatten in Deutschland.
The Name of that Catastrophy was "Emma".
We women are really unlucky, aren't we? - Always carrying such owful immages with us - it's a real burden: All bad weathers have a nice and lovely female name ...
Oh my goodness, what have we done that we were "stigmated" for ever ...
Supposingly we had eaten this
o n e apple, once upon a time -
P.S.: Have a blessed last part of the Lent!
L. M.
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